Updated 4/5/2024
Region FREE Blu-Ray Disc
The Newest De-Specialized Version
Original Theatrical Release of Episode VI
ROTJ - 2.5 (Harmy)
You will not be disappointed!
- Contents of Disc -
Star Wars VI - The Return of the Jedi DISC - 25GB Blu-ray Disc MAIN FILM
This is the original 1983 version of Star Wars. No special edition changes, no Blu-ray release changes. Just as it was viewed in theaters in 1983.
- motion menus
- chapter menus
- audio/subtitles menu
1. English DTS-HD 5.1
2. English DTS-HD 2.0
3. 2.0 Laserdisc Mix (1993)
4. French
5. Italian
6. Spanish (Castilian)
7. Spanish (Latino)
8. Portuguese
9. Portuguese (Brazilian)
10. German
11. Czech
12. Hungarian
13. Slovak
14. Russian
15. Polish
16. Ukrainian
17. Japanese
18. Laserdisc Commentary (1993)
19. DVD Commentary-Recut (1997)
20. Blu-Ray Commentary-Recut (2011)
21. Isolated John Williams Score
22. Red Letter Media - Half in the Bag-Recut (2016)
23. Rebel Force Radio-Recut (2014)
24. “Laser Time” Podcast Commentary-Recut (2016)
1. English
2. English SDH
3. French
4. Italian
5. Spanish
6. Portuguese
7. German
8. Dutch
9. Danish
10. Norwegian
11. Swedish
12. Finnish
13. Icelandic
14. Czech
15. Hungarian
16. Slovenian
17. Croatian
18. Bulgarian
19. Romanian
20. Russian
21. Polish
22. Ukrainian
23. Greek
24. Turkish
25. Arabic
26. Hebrew
27. Cantonese
28. Mandarin
29. Japanese
30. Korean
31. Indonesian
32. Thai
1. Opening Logos
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Vader’s Unexpected Visit
4. Arrival at Jabba’s Palace
5. A Message and a Gift
6. The Max Rebo Band
7. The Price for Chewbacca
8. Free from the Carbonite
9. Enter the Jedi
10. “Oh No! The Rancor!”
11. On the Sail Barge
12. The Sarlacc Pit
13. The Emperor Arrives
14. Yoda’s Twilight
15. A Certain Point of View
16. Rebel Briefing
17. Lending the Falcon
18. The Emperor’s Instructions
19. Flying Casual
20. Arrival on Endor
21. Speeder Bike Chase
22. Leia Meets Wicket
23. Vader’s Report
24. An Ewok Trap
25. The Golden God
26. Campfire Stories
27. Brother and Sister
28. Luke Surrenders
29. Rebel Recon
30. The Alliance Fleet
31. Back Door
32. Luke and the Emperor
33. “It’s a Trap!”
34. Ewok Attack
35. Fully Operational
36. The Battle Rages
37. The Dark Side Beckons
38. The Ewok’s Turn the Tide
39. Father vs. Son
40. Taking the Bunker
41. A Jedi’s Fury
42. The Shield is Down
43. Force Lightning
44. Vader’s Redemption
45. Into the Death Star
46. Anakin Unmasked
47. Death Star Destroyed
48. Funeral Pyre
49. Celebration
50. End Credits
51. Despecialized Credits
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Excellent Bluray
I am satisfied with this edition. The picture quality was outstanding